[stream base=x:/goodtaste.tv/wp-content/uploads/videos/ flv=gem93_fiesta_sd.flv img=gem93_fiesta_preview.jpg mp4=gem93_fiesta_iphone.m4v embed=false share=false width=640 height=368 dock=true controlbar=over skin=lulu.zip bandwidth=high autostart=false /]
The fabulous event chock full of food and fun is on. As your Official Fiesta Foodie, I have the ‘tough’ job of sampling a lot of the food, and so far, so fabulous!
Be sure and look for your favorite Fiesta recipes on me special Fiesta Foodie page – click on the Fiesta logo on your right.
Also, be sure and join us at the Taste of the North Side Wednesday at at the Club at Sonterra. More than 50 of your favorite restaurants will be there, and Goodtaste with Tanji will be hosting the VIP room.
Don’t forget to check out my Fiesta 2010 photos on Flickr.
Viva Fiesta!
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