[stream base=x:/goodtaste.tv/wp-content/uploads/videos/ flv=dec09_lidia-wine_sd.flv img=dec09_lidia-wine_iphone.m4v mp4=dec09_lidia-wine_iphone.m4v embed=true share=true width=640 height=368 dock=true controlbar=over skin=lulu.zip bandwidth=high title=December ’09 – Lidia Bastianich – Wine volume=60 autostart=false /]
Lidia Bastianich’s family produces some wonderful wines. I fell in love with the Vespa Bianco…a Sauvignon Blanc/Chardonnay blend. Rich, creamy vanilla flavors with some delightful fruit notes…even pineapple. The Bastianich wines pair nicely with many of the dishes in Lidia’s new cookbook Lida Cooks from the Heart of Italy. Lidia describes how the wines from Italy vary depending on what region they’re produced in.
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