[stream base=x:/goodtaste.tv/wp-content/uploads/videos/ flv=dec09_lidia-dessert_sd.flv img=dec09_lidia-dessert_preview.jpg mp4=dec09_lidia-dessert_iphone.m4v embed=true share=true width=640 height=368 dock=true controlbar=over skin=lulu.zip bandwidth=high title=Gem 72 – Lidia Bastianich – Desert volume=60 autostart=false /]
When Lidia’s recipe for this dish arrived in my inbox, my first thought was ‘chocolate and bread what?’…how could that be good! But, when Lidia prepared the dessert in my kitchen I was blown away! See how easy it is to make. It’s one example of the fabulous recipes in Lidia Bastianich’s new cookbook Lida Cooks from the Heart of Italy.
It’s delicious — full of dark chocolate, toasted almonds, whipped cream and yes, gooey rum and espresso soaked bread. So easy and so delightful! Enjoy.
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