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My husband and I were looking for a place to totally, completely get away. A place where we could forget about the crazy deadlines, details and demands of our jobs; a place we could reconnect with the outdoors and maybe even our creative side that often gets pushed aside in our busy lives. Our main requirement was that wherever we stay, we had to be _on_ the ocean – no ocean views from afar – but right on the water. We wanted to hear the ocean from the house.
We found the perfect place – this amazing home in Gualala – about 2 hours north of San Francisco off of the world famous Highway 1.
Visiting wineries in Mendocino is nothing like Napa or Sonoma. It’s much, much more rural…probably like Napa was in the 70’s. But, it’s a beautiful area and well worth the visit. Mike and I spent a month in Gualala which is about 40 minutes south of the town of Mendocino right on the Pacific coastline. I didn’t want to leave! It’s a fascinating area. Beautiful forests, incredible organic produce, amazing wildlife and those breathtaking coastal views.
So glad you enjoyed your visit to Mendocino County!
We also have a great place to stay in Calpella! Check us out for your next visit!!
So glad you had a great time! We also have a great ace to stay! Check us out for your next visit to Mendocino County!!