[stream base=x:/goodtaste.tv/wp-content/uploads/videos/ flv=gem15_benziger_sd.flv img=gem15_benziger_preview.jpg mp4=gem15_benziger_iphone.mp4 embed=true share=false width=640 height=352 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false opfix=true /]
I recently spent an afternoon with Chris Benziger touring his family’s beautiful vineyards. The Benzigers are not only farming their grapes organically but also biodynamically. The entire property is full of life from the croaking toads we came up on to the beautiful hummingbirds that literally danced right above our heads.
Now, when I have a glass of Benzigers’ wine I picture that beautiful ranch, remember the delightful sounds of nature and truly enjoy and appreciate each and every sip.
[…] will be there, DeLoach pinots from the Russian River Valley and some of the Benziger wines. Chris Benziger is a friend and I’m a huge fan of his beautiful winery and the wines he makes there. You […]